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Plasta Kings | Shepparton North

Plasta Kings | Shepparton North
Plasta Kings | Shepparton North


433 Numurkah Road
Shepparton North VIC 3631

P:  (03) 4418 2621

Opening Times

Monday - Friday
7.00 AM - 3.30 PM

Siniat Better Together

About Us

About Us
About Us
Plasta Kings offer a variety of plastering products. We supply & Fit Plasterboard & Insulations.

Plasta Kings understand plasterboard and the requirements for each job and build, Plasta King supplies the latest in plasta technology to the border with a wide range of Siniat plasterboard and metal systems.

Siniat wall and ceiling products are designed and manufactured for commercial public areas such as offices, retail centers, schools & hospitals while also offering a range for residential builds.
A range of Siniat products are certified by Global Green Tag to Green Rate level A, A product certification scheme recognised by the GBCA. A level A recognition will result in achieving 100% of green star points within the relevant materiel categories. please ask our friendly staff about this for more information of how to achieve this rating within your commerical or home build.

  • Siniat Metal building systems
  • Siniat Plasterboard & compounds
  • BGC - external claddings
  • Hardware Rendering Supplies
  • Variety of Cornices

Innovative, Smart & Efficient Solutions

Tested & Certified Solutions

National Service Network